“I’m so thankful Stephanie listened to the call and vision God gave her because this weekend was life-shattering for me in a very practical, applicable way.
“There were other people from different denominations and we all loved on Jesus! It was really a sense of community in such a short amount of time.”
“I have been feeling that everything is taking my energy. It was great to get away and get a reset and get some tools to rest in God. It was amazing seeing a group of women from all over loving and praising the Lord.
“Stephanie’s message cut me to my core. It was like my thoughts were being read and I received deliverance! God is so good! It was a great retreat!”
“I really cannot wait until the next one! I’m telling EVERYBODY. I felt so comfortable being around everyone; they were so loving and welcoming.”
“It was definitely life changing. These past couple of months have been truly hard. I found myself becoming depressed. This weekend, I feel like I heard God speaking to me for the first time in a very long time.”
Hope Hill Ranch Property — Centerville, Texas